We approach every session with

Prayer and Affirmations

We believe that God is the ultimate Chief Strategy Officer and that His promises are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). We want to see every client succeed as they walk in their divine purpose. In John 14:13-14 NKJV, Jesus says, “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” Sessions will begin with prayer, asking Jesus to bless every person and business we encounter. We will also establish affirmations to encourage and motivate our clients to reach their full potential.

People as a priority

Let’s face it; we need people. We can get much more done much more quickly when we have the right people on our team. In Genesis 2:18 the Lord God says, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” We know this scripture to be the defining moment of the creation of Eve for Adam. However, this principle of needing a helper to carry out God’s will is fundamental to how God made us and is why Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit to help us navigate life. We can’t do life on our own! For our clients, we define “people” as employees, clients, stakeholders, and customers — pretty much anyone your business interacts with. We specialize in connecting people strategies to business strategies, and we will do so for each client.

A build-as-we-go mentality

Developing a strategy can seem extremely daunting when the task or obstacle seems larger than life. Rather than attempt to tackle it all at once, we will break apart the components of the problem we need to solve, create a mission and vision statement that anchors the strategy, and build out the strategy in phases that are realistic, inspiring, and innovative.

Areas of Expertise

  • Create a holistic org design and engagement strategy that addresses the full lifecycle of your employees from attraction strategies to company alumni programs.

  • Need an interim HR Director who can jump in and take the reigns with minimal oversight? You’ve come to the right place! We can manage your team during times of change and growth while helping you find your permanent leader.

  • We are the experts in uniting business vision with people strategy. We can create multi-year people plans that include your employees, clients, stakeholders investors, and board members.

  • Social impact programs take philanthropy to the next level. It demonstrates that you’re willing to take action to make the world a better place. We are experts in creating impactful programs, accelerators, and opportunities for a good cause.

  • Joining forces with the right partners can foster innovation, and increase brand recognition and revenue. We help you find and secure the right partners to bring your vision to life.

  • Attracting, hiring, and retaining top talent requires programmatic initiatives that support growth, development, and access to new opportunities. We design winning talent management and programs for all talent from early career individuals to senior executives.