Trainings + Workshops

Talent Engagement

Our talent engagement bundle will show you how to attract, retain, and develop your people. You may choose an individual training or bundled package(s). Bundled packages are highly recommended as each training builds on the other and is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of each focus area.

Inside the bundle

Onboarding to Offboarding: The Full Employee Lifecycle

The average tenure of an employee in the US is 3.8 years for women and 4.3 years for men. Your business should be ready to support employees at any stage of their tenure with the right processes and offerings to retain and grow them. This training will teach you how to stand-up an Employee Lifecycle function that addresses key moments of an employee’s time at your company from attraction to alumni engagement.

The Engagement Survey: Converting Employee Feedback into Employee Programs

So you want to pulse your organization to see where employees are and how your organization can improve? This proves that you’re already thinking and doing the right thing (Proverbs 27:23). Engagement surveys are great to ensure that employees are heard, however, engagement surveys are futile if it isn’t followed by action. This training will teach you how to leverage an employee survey to double down on the efforts that employees love and develop new programs that employees need.

Attracting & Retaining Early Career Talent

Building for the future is how you create a long-standing and successful business. Studies show that high retention rates of programs like internships and fellowships are much higher than traditional recruiting methods. Tenured and senior employees enjoy mentoring up-and-coming talent, and the fresh perspectives that early-career talent provides can be financially rewarding for a company. This training will teach you how to stand up an Early Talent team in the areas of recruitment, programmatic efforts, employer branding, and full-time conversion.

Building High-Performing Teams

As a leader, you are as great as your team. It is your responsibility to set the strategic vision, but it is also your responsibility to influence, coach, and nurture the greatness that is inside of every person on your team (1 John 4:4). This training will teach you how to hire the right people based on skill gaps and skill needs, performance management skills, and will teach you approaches to keep your team at or above target while building new leaders as your vision expands.

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