Trainings + Workshops


Our innovation bundle will turn your moonshot ideas into reality. You may choose an individual training or bundled package(s). Bundled packages are highly recommended as each training builds on the other and is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of each focus area.

Inside the bundle

Creating a Winning Strategy

A winning strategy should identify a gap in the market, solve a problem, and inspire the future. Winning strategies include three major parts: a connected vision and purpose, a pilot action plan, and both realistic and stretched success metrics. This training will give you a trusted formula for developing a strong strategy.

Access & Innovation: Connecting New People to New Opportunities

Innovation is all about doing something new, and the most successful, innovative ideas are the ones that positively impact people and make their lives easier. People drive the need to create new things and solve new problems. This training is all about authentically connecting with your emerging market and designing creative and innovative campaigns to win over your desired customers, clients, and partners.

Branding Innovation

You have identified your targeted market and have done deep research to understand that community inside and out. You have created an innovative strategy for an industry-leading campaign. What you need now is an attraction and marketing plan. This training builds on the Access & Innovation training and will train you on how to leverage cultural moments and engagement to boost visibility, how to determine the platform to launch your innovative campaign, and how to build an authentic story around your campaign.

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Interested in this workshop? TLC specializes in marrying business and people strategies together. Our services offer a comprehensive approach to achieving these business goals.