The Leaven Company

The Redefiners of the People Strategy.

We help people and businesses rise by empowering them to

01 - Discover their inner visionary selves to see beyond the obstacle
02 - Unite practicality with innovation and the Word of God
03 - Prioritize people and their needs
04 - Inspire the future by telling the right story

  • "To what shall I liken the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened."

    Luke 13:20-21 NKJV

Our Services

1:1 Strategy Session

Connecting the dots sometimes calls for an extra pair of eyes, a new perspective, and some guidance. In this 1:1 2-hour session, we will roll up our sleeves and get in the weeds to effectively remove your business hurdle.

HR Consulting

Some things just take time, especially when it impacts your employees. Strategists are available for a 6-week minimum project or contract work to help your HR team or initiative get from point A to B with little to no oversight.

Training & Workshops

Elevate your team’s learning and development with an interactive training or workshop. We are well equipped to facilitate workshops at offsites, conferences, summits and more, both virtually and in-person.

Resume Review

Your resume can be the ticket to your next big opportunity. We have recruited for the world’s top companies and know exactly what hiring managers are looking for. We can help you shape your resume into an interview grab.

Executive Coaching

Conflict resolution, being acutely aware of your biases and blindspots (B&Bs), and inspiring the future are critical skills for an effective executive. We will help you fine-tune your skills and develop strong muscle in the areas that need improvement.

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